Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 3: March 27, 2009
Rise and shine at 7:00 a.m. Time for a breakfast buffet before our teams have to give its annual report at our Cooperative’s Annual Meeting. Today is the day of results and the winners are Team Orange. We closed out the day with Mrs. Sandy giving us an overview about our trip to Washington D.C. A lot will be expected of us because we are representing the state of Louisiana, but the trip promises to be very exciting and an adventure that we will remember for a life time. Sadly we all had to depart to return home, but we departed with the promises of seeing each other again soon in June! I’m sure many of us will keep in touch through email, social networking websites and phone calls.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day 2: March 26, 2009
Beep..Beep..Beep! Wait a minute there is no beep…beep…beep of the alarm clock. The electricity is out. We had to get dress by the light of our cell phones this morning. While we were sleeping a terrible storm came through the area. Ms. Addie picked up donuts, milk, and OJ for everyone since the hotel’s restaurant was not open this morning. After breakfast we departed for the state capitol. We toured the Senate and House chambers. Viewed the city of Baton Rouge from the observation deck on top of the capitol, saw where Huey P. Long was shot and buried, and visited the governor’s press conference room and office. We were able to sit at the governor’s desk and take pictures in his office. Governor Jindal was in Washington D.C. so we could not visit with him. Secretary of State, Jay Dardenne got permission for us to sit at the senator’s desk in the senate chambers while he spoke to us about his experiences in politics. He also answered our questions. Sergeant at Arms, Cooper, and Electric Cooperative’s Lobbyist Judy McCleary also spoke to us about their jobs and what it’s like working at the capitol. After a busy morning we stopped at the McDonald’s in Port Allen for a quick lunch. While traveling to New Roads, we watched a video showing Pointe Coupee Electric’s recovery efforts during Hurricane Gustav as we headed out to Louisiana Generating’s Big Cajun II Plant. We were in for a big surprise when we got to the power plant. We actually got to tour the entire plant. Everyone wore hard hats, safety glasses and ear plugs…we were a good looking bunch! Louisiana Generating treated us to soft drinks and cakes after our tour. Ms. Addie told us about the history of Pointe Coupee and that “Safety” is a company culture at electric cooperatives. We headed back to Baton Rouge after 4:30 p.m. only to find out that our hotel still did not have electricity. After we returned to the hotel we had dinner while the chaperons tried to figure out what we were going to do with no electricity. Thankfully the power came back on while we were eating dinner. After dinner we headed back to our meeting room to continue playing the simulated cooperative game. Competition is getting tight! We also created our own commercials to sell our products everyone is very entertained by the creativity of the groups. Everyone voted on the best commercial and team Big Boys won. We also got our creative juices flowing as we worked on designing our t-shirts that we will wear while touring our nation’s capital. Lights out 10:45 p.m.
Derrick represents Pointe Coupee Electric. He said his favorite part of today was touring the Louisiana Generating power plant. Derrick said he didn't care for the lights going out and it being hot. Throughout the day he was able to meet a lot of new people and he's sure he will become really good friends with some of them. Derrick wants everyone back home to know that he is having a great time and meeting new people.
Hunter represents the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. His favorite part of the day was being on the 10th floor (approximately 30 stories) of the Louisiana Generating plant and being able to see everything that makes the plant work. He thought that learning about how the plant works was very interesting. Hunter doesn't like the meetings...he thinks they are boring and he wishes he had a later curfew!
Dylan is a delegate from Valley Electric. He liked being back in the meeting room this evening because the game was more lively tonight. Dylan also did not like losing power today, but he admits it wasn't that bad since we were not at the hotel for the majority of the day. He also said he realizes how much time there really is in a day because we wake up so early and go to bed so we stay busy doing a lot of stuff all day. Dylan sends a message back home saying that he has done a lot of things and had a fun time with everyone these few short days, and he can't wait to tell you all about it in person. Oh...and he has lots of chocolate now!
Well this ends our busy day. The weather is bad again tonight, but hopefully we can avoid any tornadoes and the power will be on when we wake up tomorrow morning.

Derrick represents Pointe Coupee Electric. He said his favorite part of today was touring the Louisiana Generating power plant. Derrick said he didn't care for the lights going out and it being hot. Throughout the day he was able to meet a lot of new people and he's sure he will become really good friends with some of them. Derrick wants everyone back home to know that he is having a great time and meeting new people.
Hunter represents the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. His favorite part of the day was being on the 10th floor (approximately 30 stories) of the Louisiana Generating plant and being able to see everything that makes the plant work. He thought that learning about how the plant works was very interesting. Hunter doesn't like the meetings...he thinks they are boring and he wishes he had a later curfew!
Dylan is a delegate from Valley Electric. He liked being back in the meeting room this evening because the game was more lively tonight. Dylan also did not like losing power today, but he admits it wasn't that bad since we were not at the hotel for the majority of the day. He also said he realizes how much time there really is in a day because we wake up so early and go to bed so we stay busy doing a lot of stuff all day. Dylan sends a message back home saying that he has done a lot of things and had a fun time with everyone these few short days, and he can't wait to tell you all about it in person. Oh...and he has lots of chocolate now!
Well this ends our busy day. The weather is bad again tonight, but hopefully we can avoid any tornadoes and the power will be on when we wake up tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 1: March 25, 2009
Today is our first day. Everyone is very excited to get acquainted. This is the first time that everyone gets to meet one another. The Chaperones: Mrs. Sandy “Mama Sandy”, Ms. Addie, Mrs. Kay and Mr. Nick introduce themselves to the delegates and parents as they arrive one by one. Everyone is busy introducing themselves and learning about the other delegates that will be traveling to Washington D.C. from Louisiana. Rooms are assigned and dinner begins promptly at 6:15. After dinner, everyone meets in a hotel meeting room for an overview of the next couple days. We also play an ice breaker game, watch the Youth Tour Video, and learn a little about the Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. Next, we form our own cooperative groups. We are informed that we will play a computer simulated game over the next couple days where we are responsible for running our own cooperative and making business decisions. We are broken into groups/coops. The fun has begun! Lights out at 10:45p.m.
Katie is representing Beauregard Electric. She said her favorite part of today was the simulated business game. She is part of the Do-Re-Me Pod Company! Katie was disappointed when her MP3 player battery died during her long ride here. However once she arrive her excitement began to build because she learned about what she would be doing and seeing in Washington DC in June. She also learned about electric cooperatives. Katie sends a big hug back home to those she loves :-)
Erin is representing DEMCO. She said her favorite part of today was breaking up into coop groups and meeting new people. Erin didn't like waiting outside the hotel room when she arrived today. Erin is busy working on her skills to be more competive as well as creative with the product she's producing in the simulated game. Erin's message for the gang back home is "I Love Y'all!"--Emily & Alissa have fun at school. Mom & Dad I don't think I forgot anything and I'm having fun!
Check back with us tomorrow!

Katie is representing Beauregard Electric. She said her favorite part of today was the simulated business game. She is part of the Do-Re-Me Pod Company! Katie was disappointed when her MP3 player battery died during her long ride here. However once she arrive her excitement began to build because she learned about what she would be doing and seeing in Washington DC in June. She also learned about electric cooperatives. Katie sends a big hug back home to those she loves :-)
Erin is representing DEMCO. She said her favorite part of today was breaking up into coop groups and meeting new people. Erin didn't like waiting outside the hotel room when she arrived today. Erin is busy working on her skills to be more competive as well as creative with the product she's producing in the simulated game. Erin's message for the gang back home is "I Love Y'all!"--Emily & Alissa have fun at school. Mom & Dad I don't think I forgot anything and I'm having fun!
Check back with us tomorrow!
Today is the Big Day!
All the Louisiana Youth Tour winners are traveling to Baton Rouge today for a three day Leadership Conference. Your chaperone's are excited to meet you, but please travel safely today because the weather is going to be bad. Stay tuned to this blog to see what we are doing every day. I plan to post each night after bed check.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Excitement is Building
In five days the 2009 Youth Tour delegation will meet for the first time. Right now last minute preparations are taking place. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sandy. We are excited about meeting everyone. The most important advice we can give you right now is pack light, don't bring a lot of valuables that you will have to keep track of, wear comfortable shoes and come with plenty excitement! See you on Wednesday.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Help Me Pack for the Leadership Conference
Congratulation, Delegates! We know you are excited about Youth Leadership Conference March 25-27. Most of you will have plenty of question. Yes we will answer them all. As you prepare to join us in Baton Rouge, here are some great tips on what you should pack for the three days you will be with us.
Day 1 March 25 ,2009:Get Acquainted Day
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), Swim Suit (optional for those interested in swimming), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
You can wear shorts/jeans/slacks to Baton Rouge.
Parents or Co-op representatives will drop you off at the the hotel. You can visit with the other participants, swim, watch television in your room until we go to dinner about 6:00 p.m. You can bring your swimsuit if you want to swim (the hotel does have a partial heated pool and you can swim outside if the water is not too cold). After supper, we will meet in the meeting room until about 10:30 p.m.
Day2 March 26, 2009:Touring Day
Nice slacks and shirts are recommended. Comfortable shoes for plenty of walking; no sandals, brand new shoes or shoes that cause blisters. For group meetings at the hotel that evening: Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will leave the hotel around 8:00 a.m. and travel to New Roads where we will tour Pointe Coupee Electric’s Office, tour the La. Generating Operations Center and drive by the Cajun Electric Power Plant in New Roads. We will leave New Roads around 11:30a.m. and eat lunch at McDonald's in Port Allen then drive to the Louisiana State Capitol where we will tour the Capitol, take photo’s with any legislators that may be available (the Legislature will not be in session so we don’t know who will be available). We will try to get a tour the Governor’s Office on the 4th floor and the Mansion if possible. If we have time, we might try to tour the Old State Capitol. Then we will make our way back to the hotel for supper and meetings, you can change into comfortable casual clothes for the night session.
Day 3 March 27, 2009:Final Meetings
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will be in the meeting room all morning. We will be finished before noon for you to head back home.
You need not bring much money for the Leadership Conference.
Everything is paid for by your sponsoring electric cooperative. All you will need is extra spending money for snacks or souvenirs.
Day 1 March 25 ,2009:Get Acquainted Day
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), Swim Suit (optional for those interested in swimming), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
You can wear shorts/jeans/slacks to Baton Rouge.
Parents or Co-op representatives will drop you off at the the hotel. You can visit with the other participants, swim, watch television in your room until we go to dinner about 6:00 p.m. You can bring your swimsuit if you want to swim (the hotel does have a partial heated pool and you can swim outside if the water is not too cold). After supper, we will meet in the meeting room until about 10:30 p.m.
Day2 March 26, 2009:Touring Day
Nice slacks and shirts are recommended. Comfortable shoes for plenty of walking; no sandals, brand new shoes or shoes that cause blisters. For group meetings at the hotel that evening: Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will leave the hotel around 8:00 a.m. and travel to New Roads where we will tour Pointe Coupee Electric’s Office, tour the La. Generating Operations Center and drive by the Cajun Electric Power Plant in New Roads. We will leave New Roads around 11:30a.m. and eat lunch at McDonald's in Port Allen then drive to the Louisiana State Capitol where we will tour the Capitol, take photo’s with any legislators that may be available (the Legislature will not be in session so we don’t know who will be available). We will try to get a tour the Governor’s Office on the 4th floor and the Mansion if possible. If we have time, we might try to tour the Old State Capitol. Then we will make our way back to the hotel for supper and meetings, you can change into comfortable casual clothes for the night session.
Day 3 March 27, 2009:Final Meetings
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will be in the meeting room all morning. We will be finished before noon for you to head back home.
You need not bring much money for the Leadership Conference.
Everything is paid for by your sponsoring electric cooperative. All you will need is extra spending money for snacks or souvenirs.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Jamie O'Neals Testimony

It is great to be part of something larger than yourself, but to be
part of something larger than yourself and turn it into something
that is your own is truly special. This is exactly my experience with
the electric cooperatives. Starting off with my small hometown coop I
was fortunate enough to be selected to represent them and my state in
Washington DC on the NRECA annual youth tour. At this youth tour I
was introduced to the world of electric coops and learned their
impact on our rural communities and our country. From the youth tour
I was blessed once again and was chosen to represent my state on the
youth leadership council. If the youth tour wasn’t already enough,
the YLC went above and beyond any expectations that I could have
held. From my participation in the YLC, I was later selected to come
back and assist the program for a couple of years as one of the
staff. In all of these many experiences, I was able to see much of
our beautiful country and experience history first hand in our
nation’s capitol. Not only that, but I made many rich and lasting
friendships that I value greatly.
My time with the electric coops was an important part of my life
which opened many doors. The most significant early on was an
internship on Capitol Hill one summer during college. All of these
experiences stemmed from that one essay contest in my hometown and
blossomed into years of wonderful experiences and a lifetime of
friends and memories. All in all, the electric cooperatives granted
me a life changing experience for which I am forever grateful. It
opened my eyes to the world and spring boarded my interests into
travel, politics, and the concern for helping others who might
otherwise not have been helped. I have traveled to several different
countries including Egypt, Italy, France, and England among other s
and am now in my second year of medical school. Without the coops and
the opportunities they afforded me, I’m not sure where I would be today.
Jamie O'Neal
2002-2003 Youth Tour Winner
2003 Youth Leadership Council
Worked as YLC Staffer 2006 - 2007
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