Friday, December 4, 2009
Spring Internship with Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao
Currently has openings for Spring Internships in the Washington, D.C. office. Responsibilities include answering phones, greeting visitors in the front office, organizing and distributing mail, managing tour requests of the Capitol and other government facilities, and assisting legislative staff in research and writing projects. Strong writing skills and Louisiana ties are desired. Please email cover letter, resume, and references to with “Spring Internship ‘10” for the subject line.
Friday, September 4, 2009
NRECA Youth Tour Video
This is the Youth Tour video NRECA will be playing at regional managers and board of directors meetings. Thought the Youth Tour Alumni might want to see it!
Internship with Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao
Internship - The office of Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao, LA-02,
currently has openings for fall internships in the Washington, D.C.
office. Responsibilities include answering phones, greeting visitors
in the front office, organizing and distributing mail, managing tour
requests of the Capitol and other government facilities, and assisting
legislative staff in research and writing projects. Strong writing skills and Louisiana ties are desired. Please email cover letter, resume, and references to with “Fall Internship ‘09” as the subject line.
currently has openings for fall internships in the Washington, D.C.
office. Responsibilities include answering phones, greeting visitors
in the front office, organizing and distributing mail, managing tour
requests of the Capitol and other government facilities, and assisting
legislative staff in research and writing projects. Strong writing skills and Louisiana ties are desired. Please email cover letter, resume, and references to with “Fall Internship ‘09” as the subject line.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Carlin's YLC Blog
This week Carlin is representing the Louisiana 2009 Youth Tour Delegation in Washington DC at the YLC conference. Please check out the National Youth Tour blog to see what they are doing at
Friday, July 17, 2009
Internship with Republican Congressman John C. Fleming, M.D.
Interns - Republican Congressman John C. Fleming, M.D. seeks qualified, intelligent, conservative minded individuals to intern in his Washington D.C. office starting as soon as but not limited to August 10th, 2009 until Christmas Break. Duties include answering phones, sorting mail, data entry, and attending briefings. Applicants should be proficient on Microsoft Word and Excel and have a strong work ethic. Applicants with at least introductory knowledge of the legislative process are preferred. Internships are a great learning opportunity; however, all intern positions are unpaid. Class credit is available. If interested, please contact Meghan Marino in my Washington office at 202.225.2777 or email her at . Please visit Congressman Fleming's website at for more information.
District Interns (Louisiana) - Congressman John C. Fleming, M.D. seeks qualified, intelligent, conservative minded individuals to intern in his District offices in Shreveport, Bossier City, or Leesville, Louisiana starting as soon as but not limited to August 10th, 2009 until Christmas Break. Duties include answering phones, sorting mail, data entry, and attending briefings. Applicants should be proficient on Microsoft Word and Excel and have a strong work ethic. Applicants with at least introductory knowledge of the legislative process are preferred. Internships are a great learning opportunity; however, all intern positions are unpaid. Class credit is available. If interested, please contact Meghan Marino in my Washington office at 202.225.2777 or email her at . Please visit Congressman Fleming's website at for more information.
District Interns (Louisiana) - Congressman John C. Fleming, M.D. seeks qualified, intelligent, conservative minded individuals to intern in his District offices in Shreveport, Bossier City, or Leesville, Louisiana starting as soon as but not limited to August 10th, 2009 until Christmas Break. Duties include answering phones, sorting mail, data entry, and attending briefings. Applicants should be proficient on Microsoft Word and Excel and have a strong work ethic. Applicants with at least introductory knowledge of the legislative process are preferred. Internships are a great learning opportunity; however, all intern positions are unpaid. Class credit is available. If interested, please contact Meghan Marino in my Washington office at 202.225.2777 or email her at
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Keynote Speaker Mike Schlappi
Our keynote speaker, Mike Schlappi, asked me to send a note to you.
Go to this link to view his message
Go to this link to view his message
Washington Youth Tour students overcome fear, trepidation

For the past 21 years it has been my
distinct honor and privilege to serve as
state coordinator and lead chaperone of
the National Rural Electric Youth Tour
to Washington, D.C.
The Youth Tour program traces its
history back to 1957 when then-Sen.
Lyndon B. Johnson spoke at the annual
meeting of the National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association in Chicago and
challenged co-op leaders to send young
people to Washington where they could
actually see what our nation’s flag represents.
Johnson’s home state, Texas, was the
first to answer the senator’s challenge
and by 1964 the program had become
a coordinated annual event with more
than 400 young people representing 12
states. Today, the number of students
and chaperones participating in the allexpenses-
paid program totals more than
1,800 each year.
The youngsters typically spend four
or five days in Washington where they
get to see the many historic monuments
and landmarks they’ve always read
and heard about. They also get to meet
members of their state’s congressional
delegation and enter the Senate and
House chambers where they witness the
legislative process firsthand.
In leading this special group to
Washington over the years, you can be
sure I’ve experienced quite a few interesting
and exciting moments. Each tour
brings its own unique set of challenges,
situations and rewards. There have
been bus breakdowns, communication
breakdowns, last-minute cancellations
and other surprises along the way.
In particular, I recall the trip to
Washington the summer after the 911
tragedy. Some of the monuments and
federal buildings were still off-limits to
the public, security was tight and tension
was in the air.
Though quite apprehensive before
we departed, we returned home that year
without incident. And while the trip always
yields memories that the students
carry with them for a lifetime, this trip
was especially poignant for the participants.
Similar to 2001, the circumstances
that made this year’s trip an exceptional
one actually occurred before we boarded
the buses and headed east. Just a few
days before we left our base in Baton
Rouge, news sources revealed that a
lone gunman with ties to radical groups
had entered the National Holocaust
Museum and opened fire. The assailant
killed a security guard and fired several
rounds before he was shot down by
museum personnel.
The National Holocaust Museum
just so happens to be one of the
many sites we usually visit during the
week-long Youth Tour, and I was very
concerned that this murderous episode
would have its intended effect - to
spread paralyzing fear and terror across
our land. I braced myself for the phone
calls from concerned parents demanding
to withdraw their children from the
I have to admit that the more cynical
side of me anticipated that at least a few
would be consumed by fear and opt to
stay home. But to my pleasant surprise,
none of them did. While safety concerns
were expressed, justifiably so, all
the students and their parents made the
choice to overcome their anxieties and
fears and forge ahead with their plans.
Every student that has gone on this
tour has taken away an assortment of
special memories and lessons. They’ve
entered the very halls where the nation’s
laws are debated and enacted. They’ve
walked through the building where the
president and his family reside. They’ve
visited the museums that preserve and
display our nation’s history. They’ve
witnessed the solemn changing of the
guard at Arlington Cemetery and stood
before the statues and monuments that
recognize those men and women who
have made the ultimate sacrifice for the
preservation of our freedoms.
To be sure, most of the Youth Tour
students will likely never find themselves
in a position where they are on
the front lines of a military combat
scenario and faced with a situation
where they have to demonstrate their
bravery and courage in the same manner
our U.S. service personnel do on a daily
But given the events that transpired
before our trip to Washington, they did
have this opportunity to exercise some
measure of courage by moving forward
when they could have allowed their
fears to intervene and cause them to
miss out on one of the most important
trips of their young lives.
Right in the very vicinity of this
extreme act, they found themselves in
the physical presence of an institution
where the laws are made and the political
power transferred through peaceful
means instead of bloodshed.
It may seem like a small sacrifice
for these students and their parents to
overcome their concerns and continue
on as planned, and maybe it was. But as
a parent myself, I know how hard it is to
let a child travel across the country with
a group of strangers in the first place, let
alone doing so just a few days before a
zealot has opened fire at your point of
I believe this is notable.
I appreciate all the students and
parents who have taken part in this
worthwhile program over the decades
and I appreciate the fact that I have had
the honor of serving these young people
and their families.
No doubt, next year’s trip will hold
some sort of new adventure, and I look
forward to another memorable time
spent with these outstanding leaders of
Friday, June 19, 2009
Youth Tour Day 8-June 19, 2009
We’ve been on the bus all night with some pit stops along the way. Everyone is tired and tired of being on the bus. Youth Tour was great, but now everyone is just excited to get home and see their loved ones. The hardest part about today is saying goodbye to all our friends. Hopefully we will see each other again…maybe at camp this summer, school next year or even college. We hug each other with the promises of staying in touch. Now we can’t wait to tell our loved ones about our exciting week of adventure. Each and every individual made this trip special for one another. Before we reach Baton Rouge, the chaperones were presented a memory book signed by all the delegates. Then each of the chaperones said a little something special to the kids. It was a great trip! A trip of a life time! A trip that will make us better citizens and community leaders! 2009 Youth Tour Rocks!!! PARTY!!!!!!!! And it truly was a party.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Evan is Beauregard’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was watching Matt and Julie stay up until 7:30 a.m. this morning. Listening to their conversations was HILARIOUS.
Her least favorite part of the day was when her legs kept falling asleep. We’ve been riding the bus since last night.
Today’s activities taught Evan she learned that EVERYONE, at some point needs a shoulder to lean on, and to sleep on…especially when on a bust all night.
Evan would like to say to her loved ones back home hello to her dear mother…I’m Ready to be home! PARTY!!!!
David is DEMCO’s delegate:
His favorite part of the week was the day we toured the museums. His group had a lot fun.
His least favorite part of the week was all the walking.
The whole experience has taught David that he can be away from home a long time and be alright, and that he can also make new friends fast.
David would like to say to his loved ones back home that he will see you in a couple hours.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Evan is Beauregard’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was watching Matt and Julie stay up until 7:30 a.m. this morning. Listening to their conversations was HILARIOUS.
Her least favorite part of the day was when her legs kept falling asleep. We’ve been riding the bus since last night.
Today’s activities taught Evan she learned that EVERYONE, at some point needs a shoulder to lean on, and to sleep on…especially when on a bust all night.
Evan would like to say to her loved ones back home hello to her dear mother…I’m Ready to be home! PARTY!!!!
David is DEMCO’s delegate:
His favorite part of the week was the day we toured the museums. His group had a lot fun.
His least favorite part of the week was all the walking.
The whole experience has taught David that he can be away from home a long time and be alright, and that he can also make new friends fast.
David would like to say to his loved ones back home that he will see you in a couple hours.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Youth Tour Day 7-June 18, 2009
Well we are coming to you live aboard the Hotard bus headed for home tonight! We had to check out of our hotel first thing this morning and load the bus we will be traveling home in. Then we boarded another bus for a full day of touring before we start heading home. It’s not until you ride with another bus driver that you can truly appreciate how great Mr. Mike Adams truly is. Everyone is very tired at this point. It’s been a tough but fun week. Most of us are also eager to get home and see our loved ones. There are just a few more things we need to do before we head home such as touring the Washington National Cathedral. The cathedral is a beautiful building rich in history. We saw the Space and Technology stain glass window with a moon rock inside it. Where Helen Keller and her teacher were buried, and we learned how the cathedral was built. Today we had lunch at the Pavilion (Old Post Office). Next we toured the National Archives. Here we saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Our last tour was Ford’s Theatre. Ford’s Theatre is where President Lincoln was assassinated, and then they took him across the street to the Peterson House where he died. We finished up our site seeing with some last minute souvenir purchases at the Hard Rock CafĂ© and other souvenir stores. We returned to our hotel to board our bus we are coming home in. Now it is time to get settled for a long night of riding on the bus. Tonight we will not stop at a hotel; hopefully we will get some rest on the bus.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Reynecia is NRG’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was visiting the National Archives. It was fascinating to see the original documents that shaped our countries history.
Her least favorite part of the day, as always, was waking up early and walking all day. We were all so tired, but what we witnessed was worth it.
Today’s activities taught Reynecia in vivid detail the tragic events that killed one of our nation’s most inspiring heroes, Abraham Lincoln. She really enjoyed it!
Reynecia would like to say to her loved ones back home that she is truly grateful for their support and she really enjoyed the whole Youth Tour experience. She can’t wait to come home though!
Haden is Valley’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the National Archives.
His least favorite part of the day was nothing.
Today’s activities taught Haden about Lincoln and how our national documents are protected.
Haden would like to say to his loved ones back home that he loves you and misses you. PARTY!!! As the trip is coming to an end, Haden wants to meet up with everyone again.
Joey is ALEC’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was going to the National Cathedral and seeing all the stain glass windows and rock sculptures.
His least favorite part of the day was waking up early after the cool dance last night.
Today’s activities taught Joey to respect makers of the Constitution because they made something that will run our country for many years.
Joey would like to say to his loved ones back home…he’s coming home! See you tomorrow.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Reynecia is NRG’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was visiting the National Archives. It was fascinating to see the original documents that shaped our countries history.
Her least favorite part of the day, as always, was waking up early and walking all day. We were all so tired, but what we witnessed was worth it.
Today’s activities taught Reynecia in vivid detail the tragic events that killed one of our nation’s most inspiring heroes, Abraham Lincoln. She really enjoyed it!
Reynecia would like to say to her loved ones back home that she is truly grateful for their support and she really enjoyed the whole Youth Tour experience. She can’t wait to come home though!
Haden is Valley’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the National Archives.
His least favorite part of the day was nothing.
Today’s activities taught Haden about Lincoln and how our national documents are protected.
Haden would like to say to his loved ones back home that he loves you and misses you. PARTY!!! As the trip is coming to an end, Haden wants to meet up with everyone again.
Joey is ALEC’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was going to the National Cathedral and seeing all the stain glass windows and rock sculptures.
His least favorite part of the day was waking up early after the cool dance last night.
Today’s activities taught Joey to respect makers of the Constitution because they made something that will run our country for many years.
Joey would like to say to his loved ones back home…he’s coming home! See you tomorrow.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Youth Tour Day 6-June 17, 2009
It’s Capitol Hill Day! Everyone was dressed in their polo shirts; we were a good looking bunch headed to meet our Congressmen. We started our day by touring the United States Capitol. Our tour guide was awesome. He had a lot of neat facts about the Capitol. At the welcome center we watched a video about the capitol, then we toured the hall of statues and the rotunda. It truly is a magnificent building. Congressman Charlie Melancon got the group passes to the House Gallery. We got to see where the laws are made. Next Congressman Cassidy spoke to the group and took pictures with everyone. The rest of the day was set aside for touring the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress and most importantly our individual appointments with our elected officials. During our appointments our delegates asked great questions about issues that concern them and their communities. They also asked questions about what their jobs are like and what they had to do to get a job or internship on Capitol Hill. Not many people ever have the chance to meet their elected officials let alone visit with them in their offices…this was an opportunity of a life time. We had lunch in the Longworth House Office Building. This is the cafeteria the staffers eat in each day. The day ended with the All States Farewell Dinner and Dance. All youth tour delegates from the United States gather again for one final party. There was dancing, movies, games and plenty visiting. Needless to say our crew partied hard. Even Mrs. Sandy, Ms. Addie and Mrs. Kay got on the dance floor to do the Cupid Shuffle with the delegates. It was a great event, but we were sad to say goodbye to our friends we had met from other states.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Jacob is DEMCO’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the dance party. It was incredible! He has not had a good dance party in a long time. This experience is tied with getting to see Dr. Cassidy his congressman again.
His least favorite part of the day was waiting on the congressmen is boring but at least we had friends to keep us company. Numb legs are not very appealing!! :-)
Today’s activities taught Jacob, personally, the questions that he asked Congressman Cassidy, coupled with the Congressman’s answers have made him reevaluate his stance on various issues. Various actions by certain people have also strengthen some of the beliefs that I hold and served as a reminder to me to trust God in all things.
Jacob would like to say to his loved ones back home Hey Mom, Dad and girls! Hope yall have finished remodeling the house before I get home! Love ya. Evan Rocks! PARTY!!!!
Corey is PCEMC’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was visiting the Library of Congress and visiting Capitol Hill.
His least favorite part of the day was being on his feet for a LONG period of time.
Today’s activities taught Corey value our nation’s democratic setup and how well it works.
Corey would like to say to his loved ones back home he wants you to know that Washington DC is really a place they should visit soon. Today was his favorite day, thus far.
Christina is SLECA’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was when we went to the Capitol and I got to see the new Ronald Reagan statue.
Her least favorite part of the day was waiting for a long time for her congressman to show up.
Today’s activities taught Christina that it took a lot to get our nation the way it is now, and it will take a lot for it to better itself.
Christina would like to say to her loved ones back home that she would like to encourage her little brother and sister to win this trip when they are old enough. “I LOVED IT!”
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Jacob is DEMCO’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the dance party. It was incredible! He has not had a good dance party in a long time. This experience is tied with getting to see Dr. Cassidy his congressman again.
His least favorite part of the day was waiting on the congressmen is boring but at least we had friends to keep us company. Numb legs are not very appealing!! :-)
Today’s activities taught Jacob, personally, the questions that he asked Congressman Cassidy, coupled with the Congressman’s answers have made him reevaluate his stance on various issues. Various actions by certain people have also strengthen some of the beliefs that I hold and served as a reminder to me to trust God in all things.
Jacob would like to say to his loved ones back home Hey Mom, Dad and girls! Hope yall have finished remodeling the house before I get home! Love ya. Evan Rocks! PARTY!!!!
Corey is PCEMC’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was visiting the Library of Congress and visiting Capitol Hill.
His least favorite part of the day was being on his feet for a LONG period of time.
Today’s activities taught Corey value our nation’s democratic setup and how well it works.
Corey would like to say to his loved ones back home he wants you to know that Washington DC is really a place they should visit soon. Today was his favorite day, thus far.
Christina is SLECA’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was when we went to the Capitol and I got to see the new Ronald Reagan statue.
Her least favorite part of the day was waiting for a long time for her congressman to show up.
Today’s activities taught Christina that it took a lot to get our nation the way it is now, and it will take a lot for it to better itself.
Christina would like to say to her loved ones back home that she would like to encourage her little brother and sister to win this trip when they are old enough. “I LOVED IT!”
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Youth Tour Day 5-June 16, 2009
Today we started our day after breakfast with photos at the Iwo Jima Memorial. While there we saw the Marine Corp band practicing for the sunset parade. Some Marines walked up to our group and invited us to sit in the VIP seats to watch their practice. That was a very special treat for everyone. Mrs. Kay our chaperone was asked to stand in for the General. Then it was off to Arlington Cemetery. What a beautiful and somber site. We took the tram tour and visited President Kennedy’s grave, General Lee’s home and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. At the Tomb of the Unknown solider we watched the changing of the guard ceremony. It is amazing to watch those soldiers move with such precision to show honor and respect to our fallen. After the changing of the guard, we witnessed the laying of the wreath ceremony. There were two wreath ceremonies back to back and if that wasn’t special enough a funeral was going on at the same time. When they started playing taps for the wreath ceremony the 21 gun salute was being fired at the same time for a nearby funeral. You could feel the chills run down your spine. After a quick lunch at the Pentagon City Mall, we toured the World War II Memorial, Lincoln Monument, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, FDR Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and Korean War Memorial. At the Holocaust Memorial Museum, we took a somber journey through the memorial. Each person was given a card with an individual’s story and at the end of the tour it was revealed whether your person lived or died. Then we toured Daniel’s story at the Holocaust Museum. Daniel’s story is about the holocaust experience through a child’s diary. The security guards at the museum reminded us how tough their week had been since the shooting of one of their fellow employees last week, and we expressed our sympathies to them as well. We ended our day back at the Pentagon City Mall dining and shopping.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Emily is DEMCO’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was Arlington Cemetery and the Holocaust museum. She especially enjoyed all the trivia because she plans to be an American History and Math teacher.
Her least favorite part of the day was nothing. She loved spending the day touring DC and learning more about our nation’s capital.
Today’s activities taught Emily to be thankful after touring the Holocaust Museum. Arlington and the monuments made her respect the military and veterans in a whole different perspective. All Americans should be truly appreciative of what they have done for our country.
Emily would like to say to her loved ones back home she misses yall, but she’s having an awesome time. Thanks for you love and support. Emily would also like to thank DEMCO for letting her go on this Amazing trip and thanks to the chaperones for helping out. Thanks to Mrs. Sandy and Ms. Addie for organizing the trip.
Christian is PCEMC’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was watching the Marine Corps Band rehearse for their parade in front of the Iwo Jima Memorial.
Her least favorite part of the day was a lot of walking.
Today’s activities taught Christian a deep respect for all the men and women who lost their lives in battle protecting our country.
Christian would like to say to her loved ones back home hello! See yall when she gets home. She has lots of pictures.
Jamie is SLECA’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was the Holocaust Museum.
Her least favorite part of the day was she really wished she would have had more time to visit the Jefferson Memorial.
Today’s activities taught Jamie to have a better understanding of what happened in the Holocaust. It was unbelievable to see how much the Jew’s lives changed after Germany took control.
Jamie would like to say to her loved ones back home that she’s having a lot of fun in Washington DC and she misses yall a lot. She hopes her loved ones can visit here one day. “I love you Aunt Melinda!”
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Emily is DEMCO’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was Arlington Cemetery and the Holocaust museum. She especially enjoyed all the trivia because she plans to be an American History and Math teacher.
Her least favorite part of the day was nothing. She loved spending the day touring DC and learning more about our nation’s capital.
Today’s activities taught Emily to be thankful after touring the Holocaust Museum. Arlington and the monuments made her respect the military and veterans in a whole different perspective. All Americans should be truly appreciative of what they have done for our country.
Emily would like to say to her loved ones back home she misses yall, but she’s having an awesome time. Thanks for you love and support. Emily would also like to thank DEMCO for letting her go on this Amazing trip and thanks to the chaperones for helping out. Thanks to Mrs. Sandy and Ms. Addie for organizing the trip.
Christian is PCEMC’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was watching the Marine Corps Band rehearse for their parade in front of the Iwo Jima Memorial.
Her least favorite part of the day was a lot of walking.
Today’s activities taught Christian a deep respect for all the men and women who lost their lives in battle protecting our country.
Christian would like to say to her loved ones back home hello! See yall when she gets home. She has lots of pictures.
Jamie is SLECA’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was the Holocaust Museum.
Her least favorite part of the day was she really wished she would have had more time to visit the Jefferson Memorial.
Today’s activities taught Jamie to have a better understanding of what happened in the Holocaust. It was unbelievable to see how much the Jew’s lives changed after Germany took control.
Jamie would like to say to her loved ones back home that she’s having a lot of fun in Washington DC and she misses yall a lot. She hopes her loved ones can visit here one day. “I love you Aunt Melinda!”
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Youth Tour Day 4-June 15, 2009
This morning we attended the Rural Electric Youth Rally Day. There were over 1500 teenagers from all over the United States. There was plenty excitement in the air when we first arrived each state was yelling their cheers, we traded stickers, pins and beads for our name badges. Once the program began, Carlin sat on stage and introduced our state. He did a great job!
The keynote speaker Mike Schlappi had an inspiring message for every American, young or old: "Just because you can't stand up, doesn't mean you can't stand out. At the age of 14, Schlappi was student body president and an Eagle Scout, and was dreaming of a career as a top American athlete when he was involved in a tragic shooting accident. Doctors told him he would never walk again, but after months of rigorous therapy, he began playing basketball from his wheelchair and went on to become an athletic standout. Schlappi is a four-time Paralympics Medalist and two-time World Champion in Wheelchair Basketball. The only wheelchair basketball player in the United States to be on four consecutive summer Paralympics teams, Schlappi was honored by the state of Utah in 2000 as one of its Top 50 athletes of the past century.
After Youth Rally we spent the day touring the Smithsonian’s. Many of us visited the Air and Space, Natural History, American History and American Indian museums as well as many different art museums and the sculpture garden.
We ended our day with a river boat cruise down the Potomac River on a luxury yacht. There was a DJ on all 3 levels of the boat for us to party and the top level was an observation deck. We cruised past the Reagan International Airport and we saw the DC and Arlington sky lines while watching the sun set. We also had fun making friends with the other states...until we found out that LSU had won. Then we just became typical LSU fans chanting at all the other states. Geaux Tigers! It was a great first day in our nation’s capital.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Lauren is Claiborne’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was the boat cruise, dance and our inspirational speaker this morning.
Her least favorite part of the day was waking up at 5:30 a.m.
This morning Mike Schlappi talked to all of the youth tour delegates about the hardships he faced in his life. It was extremely inspiring because he never gave up no matter what came his way. Lauren hopes she can become that way as well.
Lauren would like to say to her loved ones back home we are having the time of our lives! It is so much fun. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to meet these new lifelong friends. Be home soon! Love ya!
Justin is NRG’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was dancing on the boat cruise.
His least favorite part of the day was walking all day.
Today’s activities taught Justin the importance of history, and how we can all learn from it.
Justin would like to say to his loved ones back home the trip is fun and he miss yall.
Jodi is WST’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was riding the elevator up and down with Ryan, Hunter, Erin, Dylan and Jacob at the Smithsonian.
Her least favorite part of the day was a lot of walking.
Today’s activities taught Jodi she’s not really sure right now.
Jodi would like to say to her loved ones back home she misses you, but is having fun.
Just another footnote about PARTY!!!—Louisiana has been successful in getting all the other states to yell PARTY!!!
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
The keynote speaker Mike Schlappi had an inspiring message for every American, young or old: "Just because you can't stand up, doesn't mean you can't stand out. At the age of 14, Schlappi was student body president and an Eagle Scout, and was dreaming of a career as a top American athlete when he was involved in a tragic shooting accident. Doctors told him he would never walk again, but after months of rigorous therapy, he began playing basketball from his wheelchair and went on to become an athletic standout. Schlappi is a four-time Paralympics Medalist and two-time World Champion in Wheelchair Basketball. The only wheelchair basketball player in the United States to be on four consecutive summer Paralympics teams, Schlappi was honored by the state of Utah in 2000 as one of its Top 50 athletes of the past century.
After Youth Rally we spent the day touring the Smithsonian’s. Many of us visited the Air and Space, Natural History, American History and American Indian museums as well as many different art museums and the sculpture garden.
We ended our day with a river boat cruise down the Potomac River on a luxury yacht. There was a DJ on all 3 levels of the boat for us to party and the top level was an observation deck. We cruised past the Reagan International Airport and we saw the DC and Arlington sky lines while watching the sun set. We also had fun making friends with the other states...until we found out that LSU had won. Then we just became typical LSU fans chanting at all the other states. Geaux Tigers! It was a great first day in our nation’s capital.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Lauren is Claiborne’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was the boat cruise, dance and our inspirational speaker this morning.
Her least favorite part of the day was waking up at 5:30 a.m.
This morning Mike Schlappi talked to all of the youth tour delegates about the hardships he faced in his life. It was extremely inspiring because he never gave up no matter what came his way. Lauren hopes she can become that way as well.
Lauren would like to say to her loved ones back home we are having the time of our lives! It is so much fun. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to meet these new lifelong friends. Be home soon! Love ya!
Justin is NRG’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was dancing on the boat cruise.
His least favorite part of the day was walking all day.
Today’s activities taught Justin the importance of history, and how we can all learn from it.
Justin would like to say to his loved ones back home the trip is fun and he miss yall.
Jodi is WST’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was riding the elevator up and down with Ryan, Hunter, Erin, Dylan and Jacob at the Smithsonian.
Her least favorite part of the day was a lot of walking.
Today’s activities taught Jodi she’s not really sure right now.
Jodi would like to say to her loved ones back home she misses you, but is having fun.
Just another footnote about PARTY!!!—Louisiana has been successful in getting all the other states to yell PARTY!!!
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Youth Tour Day 3-June 14, 2009
Today we were back on the road. This afternoon we stopped at Natural Bridge, Virginia. It is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The pictures just do not do this rock bridge any justice. It is truly a magnificent site. We hiked along the nature trails and saw an authentic Indian Village, water falls and the historic site where George Washington carved his initials in the rock after surveying the area. It was a great break in the day to get some exercise and take our minds off the long bus trip. After a couple hours it was time to board the bus to make our final trek into DC. We were greeted at the hotel by the Red Shirts. This year we have a Red Shirt representative, Neal from Louisiana. Red Shirts are former Youth Leadership Council Members that are here to help out for the week. After we checked into our rooms and got settled we had a pizza party at our hotel and voted on our Youth Leadership Council Representative for 2009. Congratulations to Carlin. We know he will make an excellent representative for us and everyone back home in Louisiana. Before bed check the guys got an ironing lesson from Ms. Addie, and they proved that they are very quick learners. I know they will be more than happy to help Mom do all the ironing when they return home!
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Joseph is Northeast’s delegate::
His favorite part of the day was going to the Natural Bridges and seeing the attractions. Arriving in DC was really awesome.
His least favorite part of the day was nothing. It was a pretty simple day.
Today’s activities taught Joseph to appreciate not only the most noticeable things in life, but also the small ones as well.
Joseph would like to say to his loved ones back home continue to pray and think about us.
Closing comments: PARTY!!!
Matt is Beauregard’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was seeing the Appalachian Mountains.
His least favorite part of the day was the National Geographic’s movie about Arlington we were forced to watch.
Today’s activities taught Matt how big the world is compared to me.
Matt would like to say to his loved ones back home—wish you were here!
Baby Fat!!! PARTY!!!
Asa is Claiborne’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the visit to the Natural Bridge because it was really cool. I was surprised to see how big it was. I thought I’d be a tourist trap, but of course it wasn’t.
His least favorite part of the day was the wait in the bathroom…that is never fun.
Today’s activities taught Asa that if he is just himself, it’s a lot easier to make and keep friends.
Asa would like to say to his loved ones back home he misses all of you (Dad, Mom, Abby and Maggie). He wishes you could have seen the Natural Bridge, Dad, you would have loved it.
I’m sure you are all wondering about the PARTY! We do not go anywhere without yelling PARTY!!! It will even be part of their cheer tomorrow at Youth Rally.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Joseph is Northeast’s delegate::
His favorite part of the day was going to the Natural Bridges and seeing the attractions. Arriving in DC was really awesome.
His least favorite part of the day was nothing. It was a pretty simple day.
Today’s activities taught Joseph to appreciate not only the most noticeable things in life, but also the small ones as well.
Joseph would like to say to his loved ones back home continue to pray and think about us.
Closing comments: PARTY!!!
Matt is Beauregard’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was seeing the Appalachian Mountains.
His least favorite part of the day was the National Geographic’s movie about Arlington we were forced to watch.
Today’s activities taught Matt how big the world is compared to me.
Matt would like to say to his loved ones back home—wish you were here!
Baby Fat!!! PARTY!!!
Asa is Claiborne’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the visit to the Natural Bridge because it was really cool. I was surprised to see how big it was. I thought I’d be a tourist trap, but of course it wasn’t.
His least favorite part of the day was the wait in the bathroom…that is never fun.
Today’s activities taught Asa that if he is just himself, it’s a lot easier to make and keep friends.
Asa would like to say to his loved ones back home he misses all of you (Dad, Mom, Abby and Maggie). He wishes you could have seen the Natural Bridge, Dad, you would have loved it.
I’m sure you are all wondering about the PARTY! We do not go anywhere without yelling PARTY!!! It will even be part of their cheer tomorrow at Youth Rally.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Youth Tour Day 2-June 13, 2009
This morning we woke up very early at 5:00 a.m. We had to pack the bus and board. We spent the entire day on the bus driving through five states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. We are spending the night in Knoxville, TN. The bus stopped pretty often today to let us walk around and use the rest rooms. We also had donuts on the bus while leaving Baton Rouge, stopped for breakfast at McDonald’s and had lunch at Wendy’s. While traveling we watched movies, listen to our mp3 players, visited with each other and napped. We had dinner at Famous Dave’s BBQ and then returned to the hotel to watch the LSU Tigers play. Geaux Tigers! We had a little bit of rain while traveling and when we first arrived at our hotel, but it didn’t cause any problems for us.
“PARTY!!!” seems to be our group’s battle cry.
Here’s what today’s bloggers had to say:
Julie is ALEC’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was the dinner at Dave’s Famous restaurant. She had a great time with her friends and tried 6 different BBQ sauces.
Her least favorite part of the day was bonking her head on the bus while unloading her suitcase, but she says she’s OK.
Today’s activities taught Julie how to get along with many different types of people. She’s really learned that it’s hard sometimes to travel in close quarters with this many people, but she can still have a lot of fun!
Julie would like to say to her loved ones back home to her family—Greetings and salutations! She’s almost in Washington DC…with LOVE! PARTY!!! We’re almost there.
Carlin is Beauregard’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was eating at Famous Dave’s BBQ.
His least favorite part of the day was the bus ride because it was long and he didn’t get to sleep as much as he wanted.
Today’s activities taught Carlin that making travel plans to feed large groups move quickly would be beneficial in the future.
Carlin would like to say to his loved ones back home that the trip is great so far!
Zack is Jeff Davis’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was McDonald’s.
His least favorite part of the day was riding the bus.
Today’s activities taught Zack not too much.
Zack would like to say to his loved ones back home Hi and thanks JDEC!
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
“PARTY!!!” seems to be our group’s battle cry.
Here’s what today’s bloggers had to say:
Julie is ALEC’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was the dinner at Dave’s Famous restaurant. She had a great time with her friends and tried 6 different BBQ sauces.
Her least favorite part of the day was bonking her head on the bus while unloading her suitcase, but she says she’s OK.
Today’s activities taught Julie how to get along with many different types of people. She’s really learned that it’s hard sometimes to travel in close quarters with this many people, but she can still have a lot of fun!
Julie would like to say to her loved ones back home to her family—Greetings and salutations! She’s almost in Washington DC…with LOVE! PARTY!!! We’re almost there.
Carlin is Beauregard’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was eating at Famous Dave’s BBQ.
His least favorite part of the day was the bus ride because it was long and he didn’t get to sleep as much as he wanted.
Today’s activities taught Carlin that making travel plans to feed large groups move quickly would be beneficial in the future.
Carlin would like to say to his loved ones back home that the trip is great so far!
Zack is Jeff Davis’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was McDonald’s.
His least favorite part of the day was riding the bus.
Today’s activities taught Zack not too much.
Zack would like to say to his loved ones back home Hi and thanks JDEC!
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
Youth Tour Day 1-June 12, 2009
There is plenty excitement. Some are even nervous. Delegates say good bye to loved ones and reunite with their friends from Leadership Conference. Everyone is excited to hear what each others plans are for the summer and how those last days of school played out. Most importantly everyone is just excited about Youth Tour and anticipating an awesome trip. After everyone checks in and gets settled in their rooms we go to dinner and orientation. Mama Sandy tells everyone a little about the trip and what to expect as well as what is expected of them. Emily Allen speaks to the group about her experiences on the Youth Leadership Council and encourages everyone that is interested to run for the Louisiana Youth Leadership Council position. After all the business is taken care of everyone is given the options to visit in groups in each others’ rooms, swim, watch movies or play. Most decide that this is a perfect opportunity for a pool party. They even made friends with a traveling baseball team from Alabama. The pool party made the hotel security a little nervous, but it was all innocent fun. Early bed check because we will board the bus very early in the morning headed for Tennessee.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
DeLauren is ALEC’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was getting to see everyone again. Especially at the pool party!
Her least favorite part of the day was nothing. It was all amazing. She couldn’t ask for a better day.
Today’s activities taught DeLauren we learned not to party too hard. A lot about everyone else and not to make security at the pool mad.
DeLauren would like to say to her loved ones back home…I love you all. I’m having the best time and we’re not even in Washington yet.
Dustin is WST’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was eating.
His least favorite part of the day was going over the itinerary.
Today’s activities taught Dustin to be respectful to other’s beliefs.
Dustin would like to say to his loved ones back home not to worry about him.
Mikalee is Jeff Davis’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was swimming.
Her least favorite part of the day was waiting for everyone to arrive.
Today’s activities taught Mikalee more about the Youth Leadership Council position.
Mikalee would like to say to her loved ones back home that she misses them already and to have fun while she’s gone.
She’s super pumped for this week! PARTY!!!!
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
***Please note that pictures from today and tomorrow may take a while to load on the internet because we will be uploading while riding on the bus. Thanks.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
DeLauren is ALEC’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was getting to see everyone again. Especially at the pool party!
Her least favorite part of the day was nothing. It was all amazing. She couldn’t ask for a better day.
Today’s activities taught DeLauren we learned not to party too hard. A lot about everyone else and not to make security at the pool mad.
DeLauren would like to say to her loved ones back home…I love you all. I’m having the best time and we’re not even in Washington yet.
Dustin is WST’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was eating.
His least favorite part of the day was going over the itinerary.
Today’s activities taught Dustin to be respectful to other’s beliefs.
Dustin would like to say to his loved ones back home not to worry about him.
Mikalee is Jeff Davis’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was swimming.
Her least favorite part of the day was waiting for everyone to arrive.
Today’s activities taught Mikalee more about the Youth Leadership Council position.
Mikalee would like to say to her loved ones back home that she misses them already and to have fun while she’s gone.
She’s super pumped for this week! PARTY!!!!
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery:
***Please note that pictures from today and tomorrow may take a while to load on the internet because we will be uploading while riding on the bus. Thanks.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Safety and Security Measures
In effort to give you reassurance since the Holocaust Museum events of today, we are posting our security measures. Please note that the chaperones will do everything in our power to ensure the safety of your children and security in DC will be tighter than ever next week because of today's events. We ask that the students be patient next week while dealing with the long lines at security check points. You are more than welcome to call Sandy or Addie if you have any questions concerning next weeks trip.
We know you have concerns about the safety of your child, and we want to assure you that precaution and action plans are in place in case of a national emergency. Below is information about the security measures in place for the Youth Tour.
In the event that the Office of Homeland Security raises the alert code to "Code Red" between now and the time we leave for Washington, the Youth Tour will be cancelled. If a "Code Red" is declared once we are in Washington, the chaperones will bring the students back to the hotel so that all individuals and all states are accounted for. To the best of our capabilities, we will provide information about the situation.
In a “Code Red” situation, information will be posted on both the NRECA website and the Youth Tour website Information will also be posted on our members-only website, to provide member systems and cooperative employees the same information. These sites will be updated as events warrant.
The hotel is also well aware of the climate we live in and the safety of its guests is a priority. Below are a few things the hotel will be doing in case of a Code Red situation:
• Reduce site ingress and egress to minimum
• Utilize non-security personnel to assist in increasing patrols
• Review emergency HVAC shut off
• Limit access at night to a single entry point
• Prohibit parking at front entrance
• Executive Committee member on premises at all times
• Do not check in walk-in guests.
• Limit under hotel parking to passenger vehicle's only-NO VANS
• Limit access to non-guests on all guest floors-post security at elevator posts
We have also contracted with a firm to provide security at the hotel from 10:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. One security guard will be located on each floor during the evening hours and will be there to monitor the halls.
Finally, there will be two nurses available in case of emergencies: they are registered nurses and assigned to NRECA Youth Tour. If a student needs to make the nurses aware of a medical condition, they can be confident that they will receive professional service and their information will be kept confidential.
Please be assured that we will do everything we can to make the Youth Tour safe and enjoyable.
We know you have concerns about the safety of your child, and we want to assure you that precaution and action plans are in place in case of a national emergency. Below is information about the security measures in place for the Youth Tour.
In the event that the Office of Homeland Security raises the alert code to "Code Red" between now and the time we leave for Washington, the Youth Tour will be cancelled. If a "Code Red" is declared once we are in Washington, the chaperones will bring the students back to the hotel so that all individuals and all states are accounted for. To the best of our capabilities, we will provide information about the situation.
In a “Code Red” situation, information will be posted on both the NRECA website and the Youth Tour website Information will also be posted on our members-only website, to provide member systems and cooperative employees the same information. These sites will be updated as events warrant.
The hotel is also well aware of the climate we live in and the safety of its guests is a priority. Below are a few things the hotel will be doing in case of a Code Red situation:
• Reduce site ingress and egress to minimum
• Utilize non-security personnel to assist in increasing patrols
• Review emergency HVAC shut off
• Limit access at night to a single entry point
• Prohibit parking at front entrance
• Executive Committee member on premises at all times
• Do not check in walk-in guests.
• Limit under hotel parking to passenger vehicle's only-NO VANS
• Limit access to non-guests on all guest floors-post security at elevator posts
We have also contracted with a firm to provide security at the hotel from 10:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. One security guard will be located on each floor during the evening hours and will be there to monitor the halls.
Finally, there will be two nurses available in case of emergencies: they are registered nurses and assigned to NRECA Youth Tour. If a student needs to make the nurses aware of a medical condition, they can be confident that they will receive professional service and their information will be kept confidential.
Please be assured that we will do everything we can to make the Youth Tour safe and enjoyable.
Washington DC 10 Day Weather Forecast
10-Day Forecast NEW: Larger Radar Maps & No Ads
High /Low (°F) Precip. %
Jun 10 Isolated T-Storms 83°/69° 30 %
Jun 11 Scattered T-Storms 81°/68° 50 %
Jun 12 Isolated T-Storms 84°/65° 30 %
Jun 13 Partly Cloudy 78°/65° 20 %
Jun 14 Partly Cloudy 79°/64° 10 %
Jun 15 Partly Cloudy 82°/65° 20 %
Jun 16 Partly Cloudy 83°/66° 20 %
Jun 17 Mostly Cloudy 83°/68° 20 %
Jun 18 Mostly Cloudy 85°/71° 20 %
Jun 19 AM Clouds / PM Sun 84°/68° 20 %
Last Updated Jun 10 08:08 a.m. ET
High /Low (°F) Precip. %
Jun 10 Isolated T-Storms 83°/69° 30 %
Jun 11 Scattered T-Storms 81°/68° 50 %
Jun 12 Isolated T-Storms 84°/65° 30 %
Jun 13 Partly Cloudy 78°/65° 20 %
Jun 14 Partly Cloudy 79°/64° 10 %
Jun 15 Partly Cloudy 82°/65° 20 %
Jun 16 Partly Cloudy 83°/66° 20 %
Jun 17 Mostly Cloudy 83°/68° 20 %
Jun 18 Mostly Cloudy 85°/71° 20 %
Jun 19 AM Clouds / PM Sun 84°/68° 20 %
Last Updated Jun 10 08:08 a.m. ET
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Get Plenty Rest
Only a few more days until Youth Tour! I know everyone is excited. Just a reminder that you need to use these next couple of days to get plenty of rest and eat healthy meals. You will need plenty energy for DC. I know it's summer and you want to have as much fun as possible, but you really need to take good care of yourself before this trip. You will not be getting much rest during Youth Tour.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Movie List
Below is a list of the movies the chaperones are bringing. You are welcome to bring your own movies, however they can not be rated R. Let's use the discussion board to post the list of movies everyone will bring that way no one over packs and we don't have all the same movies.
Ace Ventura Pet Detective PG-13
Ace Ventura When Nature Calls PG-13
Beverly Hills Chihuahua PG
Big Daddy PG-13
Big Momma's House PG-13
Bride Wars PG
Evan Almighty PG
Last Holiday PG-13
Legally Blonde 2 PG-13
Madagascar 2 Escape to Africa PG
Marley & Me PG
Meet the Fockers PG-13
Mr. Deeds PG-13
NG-Air Force One
NG-White House
Night at the Museum PG
No Reservations PG
Ocean's Eleven PG-13
Ocean's Twelve PG-13
Open Season PG
Over the Hedge PG
What Happens in Vegas PG-13
Bruce Almighty PG-13
Bucket List G-13
Dark Knight G-13
Dreamer PG
Eagle Eye PG-13
Fantastic 4 PG-13
Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer PG
Fever Pitch PG-13
Just Like Heaven PG-13
Kung Fu Panda PG
Longest Yard G-13
Mamma Mia PG-13
National Treasure PG
National Treasuer 2 PG
Twilight PG-13
Wall-E G
X-Men United X-2 PG-13
X-Men The Last Stand PG-13
Yes Man PG-13
Ace Ventura Pet Detective PG-13
Ace Ventura When Nature Calls PG-13
Beverly Hills Chihuahua PG
Big Daddy PG-13
Big Momma's House PG-13
Bride Wars PG
Evan Almighty PG
Last Holiday PG-13
Legally Blonde 2 PG-13
Madagascar 2 Escape to Africa PG
Marley & Me PG
Meet the Fockers PG-13
Mr. Deeds PG-13
NG-Air Force One
NG-White House
Night at the Museum PG
No Reservations PG
Ocean's Eleven PG-13
Ocean's Twelve PG-13
Open Season PG
Over the Hedge PG
What Happens in Vegas PG-13
Bruce Almighty PG-13
Bucket List G-13
Dark Knight G-13
Dreamer PG
Eagle Eye PG-13
Fantastic 4 PG-13
Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer PG
Fever Pitch PG-13
Just Like Heaven PG-13
Kung Fu Panda PG
Longest Yard G-13
Mamma Mia PG-13
National Treasure PG
National Treasuer 2 PG
Twilight PG-13
Wall-E G
X-Men United X-2 PG-13
X-Men The Last Stand PG-13
Yes Man PG-13
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Help Me Pack for Youth Tour!
The following is a guide to help you pack for your trip to Washington DC. This is only recommendations to help you.
Small Carry On Bag-Pack for Friday, Saturday and Sunday (This bag will be placed under the bus, but you will be able to unload it on Saturday night.)
PJs or something to sleep in for Friday and Saturday night; underwear; swim suit; plastic bag for wet clothes; travel clothes for Saturday and Sunday; comfortable shoes; toiletries.
Bring on the Bus: pillow & blanket; sweatshirt or light jacket; entertainment items; wallet/purse.
Large Suitcase-Pack for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (This bag will be placed under the bus and you will not be able to unload it until we get to DC on Sunday night).
Return Home Carry on Bag-Pack for your return home on Thursday and Friday. Place the rest of your clothes in your large suit case. When we stop on Thursday night at the truck stop you will be able to change into your pjs and then we will stop at a rest area on Friday morning for you to change into some clothes for travel. You will also need your toiletries in your carry on bag.
Clothes List by Day:
Friday-Dress Comfortable, Swimsuit, Night clothes.--Plastic Bag for Wet Swimsuit
Saturday-Travel clothes, Swimsuit and night clothes..--Plastic Bag for Wet Swimsuit
Sunday-Travel clothes, tennis shoes and night clothes.--Hiking Natural Bridges
Monday-Purple iLA t-shirt, nice khaki/black slacks or skirt--for Youth Rally; pants/jeans/walking shorts--for touring; tennis shoes; casual outfit for boat cruise; night clothes **Important Notice** if you are applying for Youth Leadership Council then you will need a nice shirt, tie and slacks for guys and a nice skirt/slacks and blouse or dress for ladies for Youth Rally Day.
Tuesday-Yellow Yes We Are t-shirt; pants/jeans/walking shorts; tennis shoes; night clothes
Wednesday-Red YT Polo shirt; nice navy, khaki, or black slacks or skirt; tennis shoes/comfortable dress shoes; casual outfit for farewell dance; night clothes.
Thursday-Green From Louisiana t-shirt; pants/jeans/walking shorts; tennis shoes; night clothes for traveling.
Friday-Travel clothes and tennis shoes
Remember the shoes that you bring should not be open toe or flip flops. Also you will want to wear your shoes a good bit before the trip so that they are broken in; otherwise they may cause blisters. Socks are also recommended to prevent blisters.
Small Carry On Bag-Pack for Friday, Saturday and Sunday (This bag will be placed under the bus, but you will be able to unload it on Saturday night.)
PJs or something to sleep in for Friday and Saturday night; underwear; swim suit; plastic bag for wet clothes; travel clothes for Saturday and Sunday; comfortable shoes; toiletries.
Bring on the Bus: pillow & blanket; sweatshirt or light jacket; entertainment items; wallet/purse.
Large Suitcase-Pack for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (This bag will be placed under the bus and you will not be able to unload it until we get to DC on Sunday night).
Return Home Carry on Bag-Pack for your return home on Thursday and Friday. Place the rest of your clothes in your large suit case. When we stop on Thursday night at the truck stop you will be able to change into your pjs and then we will stop at a rest area on Friday morning for you to change into some clothes for travel. You will also need your toiletries in your carry on bag.
Clothes List by Day:
Friday-Dress Comfortable, Swimsuit, Night clothes.--Plastic Bag for Wet Swimsuit
Saturday-Travel clothes, Swimsuit and night clothes..--Plastic Bag for Wet Swimsuit
Sunday-Travel clothes, tennis shoes and night clothes.--Hiking Natural Bridges
Monday-Purple iLA t-shirt, nice khaki/black slacks or skirt--for Youth Rally; pants/jeans/walking shorts--for touring; tennis shoes; casual outfit for boat cruise; night clothes **Important Notice** if you are applying for Youth Leadership Council then you will need a nice shirt, tie and slacks for guys and a nice skirt/slacks and blouse or dress for ladies for Youth Rally Day.
Tuesday-Yellow Yes We Are t-shirt; pants/jeans/walking shorts; tennis shoes; night clothes
Wednesday-Red YT Polo shirt; nice navy, khaki, or black slacks or skirt; tennis shoes/comfortable dress shoes; casual outfit for farewell dance; night clothes.
Thursday-Green From Louisiana t-shirt; pants/jeans/walking shorts; tennis shoes; night clothes for traveling.
Friday-Travel clothes and tennis shoes
Remember the shoes that you bring should not be open toe or flip flops. Also you will want to wear your shoes a good bit before the trip so that they are broken in; otherwise they may cause blisters. Socks are also recommended to prevent blisters.
More Smithsonian Information
Just some suggestions for everyone: The Castle has the "loot pile" exhibit from the movie Night at the Museum. Also American History Museum has just reopened after a few years of renovations. I recommended taking pictures in the sculpture garden...always a great place to take pictures of the group. Hope Diamond, dinosaurs and other great exhibits in Natural History Museum. Air and Space Museum is never disappointing if you enjoy airplanes and space travel. Use the website and click on the different museums to get some ideas of what you want to see. If you have any questions, let me know...I will try to help you out.
I's tough to decide right now, but keep in mind you only have a little time. The museums are spread out; plus you have to go through security at each one. You will have to go with a game plan!
I's tough to decide right now, but keep in mind you only have a little time. The museums are spread out; plus you have to go through security at each one. You will have to go with a game plan!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Plan Your Day at the Smithsonian
The Smithsonian consist of serveral museums; each museum you could spend an entire day viewing the collections. You will only have a few hours to visit everything. Without a plan your visit can be very overwhelming. My suggestion to you is to talk to your friends on the trip to decide what is important to each of you and then move quickly so that you can accomplish your goals. If you have any specific questions, about the Smithsonians you can let Mrs. Sandy or Ms. Addie know and we will help you.
Here is the link the all the new and upcoming exhibits at the Smithsonian:
The link to the Smithsonian is
Here is the link the all the new and upcoming exhibits at the Smithsonian:
The link to the Smithsonian is
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Get to Know Our 2009 Chaperones
Sandy Stockwell-Louisiana Youth Tour Director. Sandy is the Director of Member Services for the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives in Baton Rouge. This is Sandy's 21st Youth Tour Trip.

Addie Armato is the Member Services Representative for Pointe Coupee Electric Membership Corporation in New Roads. This is Addie's 3rd Youth Tour Trip.

Kay Fox is the Vice President of Marketing and Member Services for Beauregard Electric Cooperative, Inc. in DeRidder.

Nick Fox is Kay's husband. Nick is a QC Lab Technician in Sulphur at Westlake Petrochemical.

Mike Armato is Addie's brother. Mike is a Mechanical Engineer and is employed by FMC Technologies in Houston, TX.

Addie Armato is the Member Services Representative for Pointe Coupee Electric Membership Corporation in New Roads. This is Addie's 3rd Youth Tour Trip.

Kay Fox is the Vice President of Marketing and Member Services for Beauregard Electric Cooperative, Inc. in DeRidder.

Nick Fox is Kay's husband. Nick is a QC Lab Technician in Sulphur at Westlake Petrochemical.

Mike Armato is Addie's brother. Mike is a Mechanical Engineer and is employed by FMC Technologies in Houston, TX.

Monday, April 27, 2009
Leadership Conference Pictures
If you want to see the photos from Leadership Conference, go to this Wal-mart site:
You can order prints and have them sent to a Wal-mart near you.
You can order prints and have them sent to a Wal-mart near you.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Just a reminder...if you are planning on getting new shoes for Washington, DC now is the time to do so because you need to break them in before the trip. You do not want to take brand new shoes because we will be doing too much walking, and they may cause blisters. Closed toe tennis shoes are highly recommended. Also if you are planning on buying new clothes, remember your shorts should not be more than 2 inches above your knee. You will need nice shorts or blue jeans for most days. On Monday morning, you will need either black, khaki or navy slacks/skirts for Youth Rally and the same for all day Wednesday when we go to Capitol Hill.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Youth Leadership Council
Hope the end of the school year is going really well for you. Soon final exams will be over and summer will be here. Good luck to all of you on finals. As you begin your summer break and the Youth Tour trip gets closer, please consider if running for Youth Leadership Council is something that interest you. If it is, please filll out the forms and send them to "Mama Sandy" if you have not done so already. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sandy or myself.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 3: March 27, 2009
Rise and shine at 7:00 a.m. Time for a breakfast buffet before our teams have to give its annual report at our Cooperative’s Annual Meeting. Today is the day of results and the winners are Team Orange. We closed out the day with Mrs. Sandy giving us an overview about our trip to Washington D.C. A lot will be expected of us because we are representing the state of Louisiana, but the trip promises to be very exciting and an adventure that we will remember for a life time. Sadly we all had to depart to return home, but we departed with the promises of seeing each other again soon in June! I’m sure many of us will keep in touch through email, social networking websites and phone calls.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day 2: March 26, 2009
Beep..Beep..Beep! Wait a minute there is no beep…beep…beep of the alarm clock. The electricity is out. We had to get dress by the light of our cell phones this morning. While we were sleeping a terrible storm came through the area. Ms. Addie picked up donuts, milk, and OJ for everyone since the hotel’s restaurant was not open this morning. After breakfast we departed for the state capitol. We toured the Senate and House chambers. Viewed the city of Baton Rouge from the observation deck on top of the capitol, saw where Huey P. Long was shot and buried, and visited the governor’s press conference room and office. We were able to sit at the governor’s desk and take pictures in his office. Governor Jindal was in Washington D.C. so we could not visit with him. Secretary of State, Jay Dardenne got permission for us to sit at the senator’s desk in the senate chambers while he spoke to us about his experiences in politics. He also answered our questions. Sergeant at Arms, Cooper, and Electric Cooperative’s Lobbyist Judy McCleary also spoke to us about their jobs and what it’s like working at the capitol. After a busy morning we stopped at the McDonald’s in Port Allen for a quick lunch. While traveling to New Roads, we watched a video showing Pointe Coupee Electric’s recovery efforts during Hurricane Gustav as we headed out to Louisiana Generating’s Big Cajun II Plant. We were in for a big surprise when we got to the power plant. We actually got to tour the entire plant. Everyone wore hard hats, safety glasses and ear plugs…we were a good looking bunch! Louisiana Generating treated us to soft drinks and cakes after our tour. Ms. Addie told us about the history of Pointe Coupee and that “Safety” is a company culture at electric cooperatives. We headed back to Baton Rouge after 4:30 p.m. only to find out that our hotel still did not have electricity. After we returned to the hotel we had dinner while the chaperons tried to figure out what we were going to do with no electricity. Thankfully the power came back on while we were eating dinner. After dinner we headed back to our meeting room to continue playing the simulated cooperative game. Competition is getting tight! We also created our own commercials to sell our products everyone is very entertained by the creativity of the groups. Everyone voted on the best commercial and team Big Boys won. We also got our creative juices flowing as we worked on designing our t-shirts that we will wear while touring our nation’s capital. Lights out 10:45 p.m.
Derrick represents Pointe Coupee Electric. He said his favorite part of today was touring the Louisiana Generating power plant. Derrick said he didn't care for the lights going out and it being hot. Throughout the day he was able to meet a lot of new people and he's sure he will become really good friends with some of them. Derrick wants everyone back home to know that he is having a great time and meeting new people.
Hunter represents the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. His favorite part of the day was being on the 10th floor (approximately 30 stories) of the Louisiana Generating plant and being able to see everything that makes the plant work. He thought that learning about how the plant works was very interesting. Hunter doesn't like the meetings...he thinks they are boring and he wishes he had a later curfew!
Dylan is a delegate from Valley Electric. He liked being back in the meeting room this evening because the game was more lively tonight. Dylan also did not like losing power today, but he admits it wasn't that bad since we were not at the hotel for the majority of the day. He also said he realizes how much time there really is in a day because we wake up so early and go to bed so we stay busy doing a lot of stuff all day. Dylan sends a message back home saying that he has done a lot of things and had a fun time with everyone these few short days, and he can't wait to tell you all about it in person. Oh...and he has lots of chocolate now!
Well this ends our busy day. The weather is bad again tonight, but hopefully we can avoid any tornadoes and the power will be on when we wake up tomorrow morning.

Derrick represents Pointe Coupee Electric. He said his favorite part of today was touring the Louisiana Generating power plant. Derrick said he didn't care for the lights going out and it being hot. Throughout the day he was able to meet a lot of new people and he's sure he will become really good friends with some of them. Derrick wants everyone back home to know that he is having a great time and meeting new people.
Hunter represents the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. His favorite part of the day was being on the 10th floor (approximately 30 stories) of the Louisiana Generating plant and being able to see everything that makes the plant work. He thought that learning about how the plant works was very interesting. Hunter doesn't like the meetings...he thinks they are boring and he wishes he had a later curfew!
Dylan is a delegate from Valley Electric. He liked being back in the meeting room this evening because the game was more lively tonight. Dylan also did not like losing power today, but he admits it wasn't that bad since we were not at the hotel for the majority of the day. He also said he realizes how much time there really is in a day because we wake up so early and go to bed so we stay busy doing a lot of stuff all day. Dylan sends a message back home saying that he has done a lot of things and had a fun time with everyone these few short days, and he can't wait to tell you all about it in person. Oh...and he has lots of chocolate now!
Well this ends our busy day. The weather is bad again tonight, but hopefully we can avoid any tornadoes and the power will be on when we wake up tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 1: March 25, 2009
Today is our first day. Everyone is very excited to get acquainted. This is the first time that everyone gets to meet one another. The Chaperones: Mrs. Sandy “Mama Sandy”, Ms. Addie, Mrs. Kay and Mr. Nick introduce themselves to the delegates and parents as they arrive one by one. Everyone is busy introducing themselves and learning about the other delegates that will be traveling to Washington D.C. from Louisiana. Rooms are assigned and dinner begins promptly at 6:15. After dinner, everyone meets in a hotel meeting room for an overview of the next couple days. We also play an ice breaker game, watch the Youth Tour Video, and learn a little about the Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. Next, we form our own cooperative groups. We are informed that we will play a computer simulated game over the next couple days where we are responsible for running our own cooperative and making business decisions. We are broken into groups/coops. The fun has begun! Lights out at 10:45p.m.
Katie is representing Beauregard Electric. She said her favorite part of today was the simulated business game. She is part of the Do-Re-Me Pod Company! Katie was disappointed when her MP3 player battery died during her long ride here. However once she arrive her excitement began to build because she learned about what she would be doing and seeing in Washington DC in June. She also learned about electric cooperatives. Katie sends a big hug back home to those she loves :-)
Erin is representing DEMCO. She said her favorite part of today was breaking up into coop groups and meeting new people. Erin didn't like waiting outside the hotel room when she arrived today. Erin is busy working on her skills to be more competive as well as creative with the product she's producing in the simulated game. Erin's message for the gang back home is "I Love Y'all!"--Emily & Alissa have fun at school. Mom & Dad I don't think I forgot anything and I'm having fun!
Check back with us tomorrow!

Katie is representing Beauregard Electric. She said her favorite part of today was the simulated business game. She is part of the Do-Re-Me Pod Company! Katie was disappointed when her MP3 player battery died during her long ride here. However once she arrive her excitement began to build because she learned about what she would be doing and seeing in Washington DC in June. She also learned about electric cooperatives. Katie sends a big hug back home to those she loves :-)
Erin is representing DEMCO. She said her favorite part of today was breaking up into coop groups and meeting new people. Erin didn't like waiting outside the hotel room when she arrived today. Erin is busy working on her skills to be more competive as well as creative with the product she's producing in the simulated game. Erin's message for the gang back home is "I Love Y'all!"--Emily & Alissa have fun at school. Mom & Dad I don't think I forgot anything and I'm having fun!
Check back with us tomorrow!
Today is the Big Day!
All the Louisiana Youth Tour winners are traveling to Baton Rouge today for a three day Leadership Conference. Your chaperone's are excited to meet you, but please travel safely today because the weather is going to be bad. Stay tuned to this blog to see what we are doing every day. I plan to post each night after bed check.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Excitement is Building
In five days the 2009 Youth Tour delegation will meet for the first time. Right now last minute preparations are taking place. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sandy. We are excited about meeting everyone. The most important advice we can give you right now is pack light, don't bring a lot of valuables that you will have to keep track of, wear comfortable shoes and come with plenty excitement! See you on Wednesday.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Help Me Pack for the Leadership Conference
Congratulation, Delegates! We know you are excited about Youth Leadership Conference March 25-27. Most of you will have plenty of question. Yes we will answer them all. As you prepare to join us in Baton Rouge, here are some great tips on what you should pack for the three days you will be with us.
Day 1 March 25 ,2009:Get Acquainted Day
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), Swim Suit (optional for those interested in swimming), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
You can wear shorts/jeans/slacks to Baton Rouge.
Parents or Co-op representatives will drop you off at the the hotel. You can visit with the other participants, swim, watch television in your room until we go to dinner about 6:00 p.m. You can bring your swimsuit if you want to swim (the hotel does have a partial heated pool and you can swim outside if the water is not too cold). After supper, we will meet in the meeting room until about 10:30 p.m.
Day2 March 26, 2009:Touring Day
Nice slacks and shirts are recommended. Comfortable shoes for plenty of walking; no sandals, brand new shoes or shoes that cause blisters. For group meetings at the hotel that evening: Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will leave the hotel around 8:00 a.m. and travel to New Roads where we will tour Pointe Coupee Electric’s Office, tour the La. Generating Operations Center and drive by the Cajun Electric Power Plant in New Roads. We will leave New Roads around 11:30a.m. and eat lunch at McDonald's in Port Allen then drive to the Louisiana State Capitol where we will tour the Capitol, take photo’s with any legislators that may be available (the Legislature will not be in session so we don’t know who will be available). We will try to get a tour the Governor’s Office on the 4th floor and the Mansion if possible. If we have time, we might try to tour the Old State Capitol. Then we will make our way back to the hotel for supper and meetings, you can change into comfortable casual clothes for the night session.
Day 3 March 27, 2009:Final Meetings
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will be in the meeting room all morning. We will be finished before noon for you to head back home.
You need not bring much money for the Leadership Conference.
Everything is paid for by your sponsoring electric cooperative. All you will need is extra spending money for snacks or souvenirs.
Day 1 March 25 ,2009:Get Acquainted Day
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), Swim Suit (optional for those interested in swimming), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
You can wear shorts/jeans/slacks to Baton Rouge.
Parents or Co-op representatives will drop you off at the the hotel. You can visit with the other participants, swim, watch television in your room until we go to dinner about 6:00 p.m. You can bring your swimsuit if you want to swim (the hotel does have a partial heated pool and you can swim outside if the water is not too cold). After supper, we will meet in the meeting room until about 10:30 p.m.
Day2 March 26, 2009:Touring Day
Nice slacks and shirts are recommended. Comfortable shoes for plenty of walking; no sandals, brand new shoes or shoes that cause blisters. For group meetings at the hotel that evening: Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will leave the hotel around 8:00 a.m. and travel to New Roads where we will tour Pointe Coupee Electric’s Office, tour the La. Generating Operations Center and drive by the Cajun Electric Power Plant in New Roads. We will leave New Roads around 11:30a.m. and eat lunch at McDonald's in Port Allen then drive to the Louisiana State Capitol where we will tour the Capitol, take photo’s with any legislators that may be available (the Legislature will not be in session so we don’t know who will be available). We will try to get a tour the Governor’s Office on the 4th floor and the Mansion if possible. If we have time, we might try to tour the Old State Capitol. Then we will make our way back to the hotel for supper and meetings, you can change into comfortable casual clothes for the night session.
Day 3 March 27, 2009:Final Meetings
Casual Comfortable Clothes (slacks, jeans, shorts, dresses/skirts), a light sweater/jacket (sometimes the meeting rooms get cold), and Pajamas (after room check only). No clothes with obscene language, provocative slogans, alcohol/drug/cigarette logos.
We will be in the meeting room all morning. We will be finished before noon for you to head back home.
You need not bring much money for the Leadership Conference.
Everything is paid for by your sponsoring electric cooperative. All you will need is extra spending money for snacks or souvenirs.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Jamie O'Neals Testimony

It is great to be part of something larger than yourself, but to be
part of something larger than yourself and turn it into something
that is your own is truly special. This is exactly my experience with
the electric cooperatives. Starting off with my small hometown coop I
was fortunate enough to be selected to represent them and my state in
Washington DC on the NRECA annual youth tour. At this youth tour I
was introduced to the world of electric coops and learned their
impact on our rural communities and our country. From the youth tour
I was blessed once again and was chosen to represent my state on the
youth leadership council. If the youth tour wasn’t already enough,
the YLC went above and beyond any expectations that I could have
held. From my participation in the YLC, I was later selected to come
back and assist the program for a couple of years as one of the
staff. In all of these many experiences, I was able to see much of
our beautiful country and experience history first hand in our
nation’s capitol. Not only that, but I made many rich and lasting
friendships that I value greatly.
My time with the electric coops was an important part of my life
which opened many doors. The most significant early on was an
internship on Capitol Hill one summer during college. All of these
experiences stemmed from that one essay contest in my hometown and
blossomed into years of wonderful experiences and a lifetime of
friends and memories. All in all, the electric cooperatives granted
me a life changing experience for which I am forever grateful. It
opened my eyes to the world and spring boarded my interests into
travel, politics, and the concern for helping others who might
otherwise not have been helped. I have traveled to several different
countries including Egypt, Italy, France, and England among other s
and am now in my second year of medical school. Without the coops and
the opportunities they afforded me, I’m not sure where I would be today.
Jamie O'Neal
2002-2003 Youth Tour Winner
2003 Youth Leadership Council
Worked as YLC Staffer 2006 - 2007
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Apply Now!
Now is the time to apply for the 2009 Youth Tour trip to Washington DC. Check with your local electric cooperative, 4-H or FFA for more details. Don't miss this all expense paid trip to Washington DC!
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