Well we are coming to you live aboard the Hotard bus headed for home tonight! We had to check out of our hotel first thing this morning and load the bus we will be traveling home in. Then we boarded another bus for a full day of touring before we start heading home. It’s not until you ride with another bus driver that you can truly appreciate how great Mr. Mike Adams truly is. Everyone is very tired at this point. It’s been a tough but fun week. Most of us are also eager to get home and see our loved ones. There are just a few more things we need to do before we head home such as touring the Washington National Cathedral. The cathedral is a beautiful building rich in history. We saw the Space and Technology stain glass window with a moon rock inside it. Where Helen Keller and her teacher were buried, and we learned how the cathedral was built. Today we had lunch at the Pavilion (Old Post Office). Next we toured the National Archives. Here we saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Our last tour was Ford’s Theatre. Ford’s Theatre is where President Lincoln was assassinated, and then they took him across the street to the Peterson House where he died. We finished up our site seeing with some last minute souvenir purchases at the Hard Rock CafĂ© and other souvenir stores. We returned to our hotel to board our bus we are coming home in. Now it is time to get settled for a long night of riding on the bus. Tonight we will not stop at a hotel; hopefully we will get some rest on the bus.
Here’s what today’s bloggers have to say:
Reynecia is NRG’s delegate:
Her favorite part of the day was visiting the National Archives. It was fascinating to see the original documents that shaped our countries history.
Her least favorite part of the day, as always, was waking up early and walking all day. We were all so tired, but what we witnessed was worth it.
Today’s activities taught Reynecia in vivid detail the tragic events that killed one of our nation’s most inspiring heroes, Abraham Lincoln. She really enjoyed it!
Reynecia would like to say to her loved ones back home that she is truly grateful for their support and she really enjoyed the whole Youth Tour experience. She can’t wait to come home though!
Haden is Valley’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was the National Archives.
His least favorite part of the day was nothing.
Today’s activities taught Haden about Lincoln and how our national documents are protected.
Haden would like to say to his loved ones back home that he loves you and misses you. PARTY!!! As the trip is coming to an end, Haden wants to meet up with everyone again.
Joey is ALEC’s delegate:
His favorite part of the day was going to the National Cathedral and seeing all the stain glass windows and rock sculptures.
His least favorite part of the day was waking up early after the cool dance last night.
Today’s activities taught Joey to respect makers of the Constitution because they made something that will run our country for many years.
Joey would like to say to his loved ones back home…he’s coming home! See you tomorrow.
To view our pictures from today go to the link below. We have 2 photo galleries one is from our Leadership Conference in March and the other is this week’s Youth Tour. New photos will be posted each night.
Photo Gallery: http://photos.youthtour.org/2009%20Youth%20Tour
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